
Always Remember Why You Started

So we as human beings always start something and give up before finishing it. There is thing called an impulse (doing things without thinking twice). In many ways that is wonderful,it great.

Take applying for a second job as an example or starting a business,you don’t just think of those things,you think of them because you feel a need for them. But than 99% give up half way even if they see the light at the end of the tunnel. You should study yourself right,ask the right questions.

Do you always finish what you start? If “NO” than how about challenging your self right now and finish that business plan you always have no time for and find excuses not to finish it. You always see challenges instead of looking beyond them.

We should never be in a comfort zone,never ever be comfortable and always challenge your self. Make time to learn new things,make time to discover more about yourself and after all we only have one life and no other.

Do what pleases your soul and not what makes other people happy,after all it your life, if you not gonna live it than some else is gonna live it for you. What ever you start just remember that reason for you to start that something and never give up,when ever you feel like giving up always remember why you started, pick your self and keep on keeping on.

Be positive minded,forget the negatives,it not easy but determination can take you a long way, changing the way you think can suprise you.



A child can be a blessing or a curse even to others, It a fact we live with in this society.

I love my kids to the moon and back with NO buts.

Recently there were dead bodies of arboted babies,the real babies Im telling you,they had all the body parts that me and you have so I went on to research why some woman sattle for abortion instead of giving the child to socail workers. To someone it might make sense but to me it seriously does not.

So woman abort the children for a number of reasons
1: Too young for a child
2: Want to finish school
3: The guy said you must chose between him and the baby
4: Scared of what people will think or say
5: Result of adultry
6: Not able to support
7: Parents forced you
8: Rape

Thereare more reasons why woman do these abortion,I am a Christain and I don’t condone this kind of doing,ah ah cha nje kodwa ke nansi indaba.

A lot of rape victims who fell pregnant and gave birth to beautiful babies are able to love them and raise them the way they would raise a child fathered by someone they love, a child can never be a curse but onlyba blessing and a life changing one. A lot of couples would love to have children but they can not so why are you killing that innocent soul inside of you? Who gave you that right? You got the chance to see this world and so does that soul growing inside of you. You were chosen to take care of it,that how specail you are. Where there is no way God The Creater aleays Creats away so sit down and let Him carry on knowing what He is doing in your life.

I did my reseach very well and it is bringing shivers down my spine reading how school girls conduct abortions at school. A young girl of 16 years old resding in Central Durban told a story of how it all happen : “I fell pregnant and did not who the father of my un born child was as I had been having sex with two guys and I was gonna write my March exams for Matric. Both of them knew about my pregnancy, took good care of me. I was so scared when tje other guy who was working was talking about how the child would be raised and that I will live the child with his mom during my exams. It was heart braking because I knew my plans about the pregnancy and a week before my exams I Was Alone at home and I took a hanger and aborted the child and buried her at the back of my house” so I was shocked and did not even want to ask or even think “HOW?” So she said it the dogs that found the body and the neighbors called the cops and she was arrested at school. Her family knew about her pregnancy and her reason for this is SHE DID NOT KNOW THE FATHER OF THE CHILD BETWEEN THE TWO GUYS.

More stories are out there and they just brake my heart. Every baby deserves a chance to live no matter the situation. Every woman knows the father of their child,I don’t care who says what but a woman knows.

Let love our unborn babies,no matter the situation and embrace them.


Satanism in South Africa

In South Africa there are a lot of people who are possessed by evil spirits and they don’t even know it,many former Devil Worshipers have confessed and gave us an insight of what really is happening in the world we live in and it creepy and scary if you not yet a believer and love Jesus Christ and trust Him.

Demons who are Satan’s angels always confess to saying that they wish they never listened to him,he deceived them into believing him so I don’t understand why a human being would believe him when his angels scream to The Fire Of The Holly Spirit and wish to go back to heaven where it was so peaceful,so beautiful, they felt no pain and no hunger but with Satan he burns them if they fail a task and beats them,in hello they are eaten by creepy crawling insects and they so ugly,they miss their white and beautiful clothes Jehova gave them so why would a normal person be deceived and turn to the Devil for all the riches and everything while knowing exactly that you suffer in hell forever and you will never live the fire.

I have been with people who were possessed by evil spirits a lot of times and their stories are the same,they course car crashes,they curse the food we eat,clothes we wear,hair peace and everything with a barcode and they working hard everyday to crease their number because Jesus can return any day now so they want to burn with a lot of people.

Congratulations to those who have turned to Jesus Christ for help and have been saved,if you not yet a believer what are you waiting for? Jesus Christ for out sins now we have to praise Him and be thankful to God for sending his only son down to earth to die for our sins.


The Lovely Easter

It that time of the year where we remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified for all our sins and we were saved through His blood.

I thank Jehova everyday for loving me so much He sent His only son to earth and die for my sins,yes I am sinner like everyone else,I am not perfect at all so I thank Jehova Jaira and through Jesus’s blood I am saved and with the Blood of Jesus Christ I fear nothing from this earth.

This Easter I will celebrate by attending church and cooking nice food for my family while reading the bible (as always) for them so they are reminded how it all happened.

Jesus is real,He is love,He loves you and your sins,change your wrong ways today,turn to Him for help,confess to Him,love Him, He is the way and the truth,He doesn’t love or deceive, He keeps His promises.

Enjoy your Easter.